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The sailing boats Baximus skippered by Thanasis Baxevanis from the club “Omilos Filon Thalassis” and Astrapi with the skipper Vassilis Kapitanidis from the Nautical Club of Thessaloniki triumphed respectively in the ORC Performance and ORC Sport categories of the Aegean Regatta 2024.

Nikos Pantis

The final act of the international sailing race organized by the General Secretariat for the Aegean and Island Policy with the co-operation of the Hellenic Offshore Committee of the Hellenic Sailing Federation was played in Rhodes with the last coastal sailing races.

In the ORC Performance category it became the absolute thriller. The results of the two final races gave the boats Vaximus, Vorras and Sugar 12 points each. However the sailing boat of Thanasis Baxevanis with better results in the legs of the regatta, celebrated the victory!

Nikos Pantis

In the ORC Sport category, the great stability of Astrapi gave the first place in the sailing boat of Vasilis Kapitanidis, leaving behind Meliploe and Mousmoulo.

Nikos Pantis

The Closing Ceremony took place in Rhodes Marina with the awarding of prizes to the winners and the President of the Hellenic Offshore Committee of the Hellenic Sailing Federation Erifilli Vardaki thanking those who helped in the excellent organization of the regatta. “I want to thank the General Secretariat of the Aegean and Island Policy, and namely the General Secretary Manolis Koutoulakis for co-organizing the Aegean Regatta. Also the Region of the South Aegean for the financial support, the Port Authority of Rhodes, the Municipalities of the islands that Aegean Regatta had a stopover and the co-organizers Nautical Clubs who contributed to the success of the regatta. Also, the “Maria Tsakos” Public Benefit Foundation for providing the boat Mania that hosted the members of the committees and of course all the people of the race committee who are volunteers and offered their excellent services. Finally, a big thank you to the crews that participated in Aegean Regatta and I want to invite all the sailors to the next year’s regatta, for a new exciting trip to the Aegean Sea”, said Ms. Vardaki.

Nikos Pantis

The winners of the Aegean Regatta 2024:


Βaximus – skipper Thanasis Baxevanis
Vorras – skipper Aristos Chatzistamatiou
Sugar – skipper Antonis Athanasiou
The results of the last two coastal sailing races

Vorras – skipper Aristos Chatzistamatiou
Αnateloussa Afroditi – skipper Giorgos Avgerinos
Εrytos II Cosmote – skipper Κostas Manthos
Sugar – skipper Antonis Athanasiou
Ιnvictus – skipper Giorgos Papadopoulos
Vorras – skipper Aristos Chatzistamatiou

Αstrapi – skipper Vasilis Kapetanidis
Μeliploe – skipper Thanasis Piniaris
Mousmoulo – skipper Nikos Koumnaki
The results in the 5th leg

Μeliploe – skipper Thanasis Piniaris
Αstrapi – skipper Vasilis Kapetanidis
Assante – skipper Alkis Georgiadis
ORC SPORT – Division 1

Μeliploe – skipper Thanasis Piniaris
Antelope – skipper Patroklos Totas
Fairytale – skipper Dimitris Zachos
The results in the 5th leg

Μeliploe – skipper Thanasis Piniaris
Fairytale – skipper Dimitris Zachos
Maraki Plus Construction – skipper Dimitris Marakis
ORC SPORT – Division 2

Αstrapi – skipper Vasilis Kapetanidis
Koursaros – skipper Giannis Lamprianidis
Calexico – skipper Charalampos Anitsakis
The results in the 5th leg

Αstrapi – skipper Vasilis Kapetanidis
Assante – skipper Alkis Georgiadis
Koursaros – skipper Giannis Lamprianidis
ORC SPORT – Division 3

Mousmoulo – skipper Nikos Koumnakis
Das Boot – skipper Dimitris Stamatas
Gorgo – skipper Ilias Karampis
The results in the 5th leg

Mousmoulo – skipper Nikos Koumnakis
Das Boot – skipper Dimitris Stamatas
Gorgo – skipper Ilias Karampis

Nikos Pantis

The sailing clubs of the Aegean islands participate and assist in the organization of the Aegean Regatta, are the Mytilene Sailing Club, LOIATH, PEKEV, Chios Sailing Club, and Samos Sailing Club, with the coordinating club for 2024 being ASIATH Rhodes.


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